Saturday, 12 November 2011

Problems cloning a GitHub repo using Egit on Eclipse 3.6.2 Helios

Eclipse 3.6.2 Helios
Egit 1.1.0
Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

ERROR: when adding public repo (on github) to clone, does not accept SSH key password (just keeps asking for it again and again)

Then add to your .bashrc:
export GIT_SSH=/usr/bin/ssh
(and reload it with a "source .bashrc")
If it still doesn't work, try re-creating SSH keys through eclipse (Prefs>General>Network>SSH2) and use those keys for authentication (you have to add the public key to github again)

ERROR: on commit:
Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/usr/lib/xulrunner-addons'] (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:
/home/jack/programs/eclipse_v3.6.2/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/203/1/.cp/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
no swt-mozilla-gtk in java.library.path
Can't load library: /tmp/swtlib-32/
Can't load library: /tmp/swtlib-32/
/tmp/swtlib-32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

SOLUTION: Ensure you have sun java installed:
Then install xulrunner-1.9.2 (NOT v2.0) manually by downloading it from here (you will need to navigate to your version of ubuntu first, if it is not 11.10 Oneiric):
Then install with this command:
sudo dpkg -i file.deb
Then add this line to your .bashrc:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner-
(and reload it with a "source .bashrc")

ERROR: on push:
fatal: cannot exec '/home/jack/programs/eclipse_v3.6.2/plugins/com.aptana.git.core_3.0.0.1303919605/os/linux/askpass.tcl': Permission denied
SOLUTION: just change permissions to 777

exec: 3: wish: not found
Basically install these packages: tk and python-tk

Android 2.3 Gingerbread - Get your own profile picture in text message conversations

Phone: HTC Desire S
OS: Android 2.3.3 (HTC Sense 2.1)

If in text message conversations, your friend's profile pictures are showing up, but your own one isn't, you need to setup the "My Profile" contact. To do this, click People, then at the top, click My Profile (not the button to the right of it). Then either select a photo manually, or if you already have yourself as a regular contact with a picture, then hit Menu > Import and then select yourself.